Last Day in ESET!

Hello All! WebHatter here.

The Cadets finished their 9 day span in ESET today and are now headed back to their rooms to probably take a good long shower and go out and get a good warm meal that isn't an pre-packaged MRE (Meals Ready-to-Eat).

Over the last 9 days they have learned how to put together and take apart guns as well as how to fire them. They've learned surivival and evasion tactics. How to work together as a team when faced with the "enemy" and how to survive in the "wild" overnight.

Next time they go camping, they won't need to borrow a tent. Now that they've learned what they can do to make one out of rain poncho's.

Good job, Cadets!

Check back in the coming days on the Blog about the pictures in the ESET Gallery, as they have to be looked over by ESET Staff before we can post them.