BMT Summary Sunday

Welcome to our first BMT Summary Sunday blog, throughout BMT we are going to provide you with a Summary Blog that will feature videos from throughout the week and give you bit of a recap of the things the Cadet Candidates have done up to this point as well as to give you some insight about what the next week will entail for your Basics.

Just a reminder, you will not see pictures posted on Sunday unless it is in the Summary Sunday Blog from highlights throughout the week - even if we are out getting coverage that day. Any pictures taken on Sunday will always be posted the following day.

Before Inprocessing Day, much was happening here at the Prep School. On Sunday the Priors and their families arrived early to start their process since they have a few extra steps. Then on Wednesday the rest of the Prep School Appointees, their families, and friends gathered at the Base Community Center to begin their journey at the Prep School.

Thursday brought blues fittings and their BMT photo shoot. Their BMT portraits will be available around the end of BMT - we will post them in the Prep School Gallery.


On Friday morning, the Cadet Candidates had some early morning PT where they practiced for the PFT they would have on Saturday. Below is the mean (minimum) and max required for the 5 stations of the PFT. Once the academic year comes along, they will have to do this and the AFT each semester and this will continue up on the Hill at the Academy as well.

Event Men Women
  Mean Max Mean Max
Pull-Ups 12 21 3 8
Long Jump 7’7″ 8’0″ 6’3″ 7’2″
Crunches (Sit ups) 71 95 71 95
Push-Ups 48 72 29 48
600-Yard Run 1:53 1:35 2:12 1:53

On Saturday afternoon they gathered in the parking lot to practice some drill. Throughout BMT we will catch this several times as well as some Squadron PT.

What's ahead this coming week, they will begin going through parade practices, visits to the dentist and lots of team building exercises. We will be back tomorrow with more coverage of BMT!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!