Prep December Birthdays!

Facility manager, Mr. Luciano Moya makes sure that every student gets a birthday dinner. Even Cadet Candidates whose birthdays do not fall during the Prep academic year between August 1 and April 30, still get their dinner. They make sure no one is missed.


Each of the Preppies is served by the DFAC staff.  Dinner includes a green salad, choice of steak or chicken cordon bleu, dinner rolls, and the non-alcoholic beverage of their choice.  Dessert is cake, cupcakes and ice cream. The ice cream is always provided by Chef Jeff who pays for it out of his own pocket each month.



And following military tradition, the cake is cut with a cadet sabre by the oldest and youngest C/Cs present.



To view the rest of the pictures taken at the December Birthday Dinner go to; Classes - Prep School - Prep Life. Or click the link below.

Prep December Birthdays!