Prep Bravo Squadron Ropes Course

The Prep School Bravo Squadron came out yesterday to the USAFA Ropes course to do some team building. The squadron was broken up into 4 groups in the morning to do tasks such as Ball toss and juggling, Bull ring and Lily pad. Each of these exercises were designed for the cadet candidates to work together to get a task accomplished. Each task had certain requirements or restrictions and they had to find a way to handle them, work with what they have and to even deal with new things being added to the task at hand.  This represented how in life we all have challenges and things we are working on. New issues or challenges may come up and we have to rise to the occasion and finish each task in life the best we can.  And most times we will need others to help us along the way.  These challenges helped the CC's learn to ask for help, communicate and to work together. 

Ball Toss- More balls were added to be tossed representing new tasks/challenges that arise daily.

Bull Ring- Had to keep the ball in the ring in the middle where all strings attached and lower it to the ground without dropping it.

Lily Pad- CC's had to work together with limited 'Lily Pads" to get to another location while only using the pads and moving together as a unit.

After lunch Bravo Squadron was broken up into 5 groups and they rotated between 5 Obstacle Courses using team work to complete each course.  Each obstacle created new challenges, wether it be overcoming a fear, communicating with others to accomplish the task, or learning how to work with others and to not rely soley on one's self.  They all seemed to be doing well and enjoying the challenges they faced and they worked well together as a team.

Leap of Faith






Wired Zig Zag



Low Y



Mouse Trap Trust Sequence



To view photos go to Classes > Prep School > Prep Life or click on the link below.

Bravo Squadron Ropes Course