Men's Forum

We covered Squad 9 for the Men's Gender Forum this afternoon.

The male cadets get together (within their squad) and discuss personal current issues, as well as gender issues. The cadets are able to discuss challenges related to gender in the military as well. The main reason they discuss gender issues is that understanding gender and the impact it has on an individual, and the mission, is imperative for leaders to comprehend.

Some of the objectives introduced and discussed during the Men's Forum are as follows;

  1. Students will be able list gender expectations and their origins.
  2. Students will appraise social measures that reinforce gender expectations and their effects.
  3. Students will appraise the characteristics of their gender that support the Air Force’s Core Values.
  4. Students will compare socially constructed gender expectations and those of leaders they personally know.


To view the rest of the pictures from Squad 9's Men's Forum go to Galleries - Military Training - Character & Leadership Development. Or click the link below.

Squad 9 Men's Forum