A little break from training!

Hello Families!

I was going to let the morning blog be it for today, but then our hardworking photographers got all of today's Rodeo photos up and after looking at all the happy basics taking a break from training I felt inspired to write something, especially since Captain Jack Sparrow took all the trouble to show up and all.

It looks like junk food was in abundant supply and was happily consumed.


All-in-all, it looked like a good time was had by all.

Even the Cadre had some smiles for us.  I'm sure this brings back memories for them.  They were sitting right where your basics are two years ago.

So now it is back to training and the start of BCT2 with their new cadre.   Here is something to look forward to!  Next Saturday is Doolie Day Out!

Ok.  That's it for now.  Seeing all those photos of people getting pizza made me hungry.  A pizza sounds good, maybe with a lite adult beverage. After all, I work hard, and I'm over 21.  :-)  

Enjoy the Summary Sunday blog tomorrow and the continued photo hunt.  I bet you are all getting good at it.   Thanks also for the many kind words.  Looking forward to the arrival of the Tasty-Cakes on Monday.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!