Last Day of BCT

All eight squadrons were out on the athletic fields this morning. Since this was the last PT session of BCT they did an inter-flight competition involving shuttle runs, pushups, and jump squats for time. Flights were spread throughout the athletic fields at random. Due to this, photos will not be separated by squadrons today.  Towards the end of their PT session they also got to enjoy a B52 flyover.  




Tomorrow the Basics will be moving into their academic year squadrons. Even though this will be our last day of BCT coverage we still plan on covering Doolie Day In on August the 8th and we’ll be out at Stillman Field on August 10th for the Acceptance Day Parade, to cover the Basics, as they join the Cadet Wing.

To view all of todays photos, go to: CLASSES > 2024 > BCT1 > ALL.